Oooh! I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!

Oooh! This is exciting!

The very lovely bloggeress who writes Life Lessons of a Military Wife has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! Oh kindest of  military spouses, I gratefully accept. I would also like to thank my family, my cats, my agent and especially the entire German nation for inspiring me with their teutonic antics.

versatile blogger award

This is a great way for bloggers to acknowledge the other bloggers who inspire them, or who provide insight, wisdom, humour, light relief or just distraction from the great inanity which is the internet.

The rules of the award are that I get to tell you about 15 blogs which I read and enjoy – and these are the blogs which I nominate in my turn for the Versatile Blogger Award.  So… a big round of applause for:

  1. Jeffusions (Fabulous, fabulous writing)
  2. Letters Home (Ian always has an interesting story or perspective and you never leave his blog unmoved)
  3. Lizzy’s Literary Life (A superb source of reading inspiration)
  4. Snooker in Berlin (Great anecdotes and photos of weird stuff from the capital)
  5. Deutschland über Elvis (A sideways glance at life in Germany by the Honourable Husband)
  6. Ruth’s Reflections (A delightful ragbag of snippets about life in Christchurch, recovering from earthquakes)
  7. Click Clack Gorilla (Tales from the coolest Waggonplatz in Germany )
  8. Heisse Scheisse (If you thought expat life in Germany couldn’t get any worse…)
  9. Heidelbergerin (… then try this for more trials and tribulations of life in Germany…)
  10. Heather in Europe (…or even this, for even more funny expat culture shock)
  11. What’s for lunch honey? (Sheer food porn. Every time I read this blog, I put another inch on my hips.)
  12. Yum Yum Café (Saves me trawling around the internet for cool clips to share with my friends- Yumyum finds the best stuff)
  13. Shedworking (I work from a garden office which featured in the Shedworking book – and I’m always envious because everyone else has much cooler sheds than me – aspirational stuff).
  14. How to write better (Suze is a writer herself and shares great tips… which I always wish I could remember when I’m writing myself)
  15. 1001 Nights (I’m so glad someone’s ploughing through the 1001 tales and summarizing them for me, because I’d never get around to it otherwise)

And now, I will tell you seven things about me.

  1. I work in a pig sty. OK – a former pig sty. It’s now been converted into a rather cool office.
  2. I recently visited the former independent state of Moresnet
  3. I can speak Dutch
  4. I make my own wine with my home grown grapes
  5. I also grow rhubarb, figs and aubergines – plus quite a lot of other things
  6. I have been interviewed on German TV
  7. I wrote a book , the success of which inspired me to take up blogging. I’m glad about writing both the book and the blog, because I’ve made lots of new friends in the process.


Filed under books, Life in Germany

3 responses to “Oooh! I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. Congratulations, Cathy!
    Seven words which come to mind when I think of you – success, motivation, humour (for you with a u:-), enthusiasm, satire, pleasure, and writing skills.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out! I really appreciate it! 🙂

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